In order to increase college attendance rates and graduation rates, universities have started adopting a merit-based scholarship model. Scholarships based on need are still available, but there’s some debate about whether need-based scholarships should be eliminated altogether. In this article, Dr Paul Drago will provide an overview of the debate between these two different types of scholarships, along with some tips for students who want to make sure they get as many scholarships as possible.
Students are more likely to graduate from a university if they receive a merit-based scholarship.
A student who receives a need-based scholarship is more likely to graduate from university.
A study by the National Bureau of Economic Research found that students with merit-based scholarships are less likely to graduate from college than those without merit-based scholarships. The study examined more than 2 million students between 1996 and 2007 and found that those who received need-based assistance were more likely to finish their degrees than those who did not receive any financial assistance at all, regardless of whether they had been awarded grants or loans.
Students are more likely to graduate from a university if they received need-based scholarships.
Need-based scholarships are more likely to be used for living expenses, which can make them more useful than a merit-based scholarship that only covers tuition. Students who receive need-based financial aid are also more likely to graduate from college.
In addition, studies have shown that students who attend schools with lower average SAT scores tend to be less likely to graduate than those attending higher ranked institutions.
High school students should apply for as many scholarships as possible, regardless of whether they’re merit- or need-based.
When you’re a high school student, scholarships can be a great way to pay for college. But how do you find and apply for scholarships?
If you haven’t already done so, start by checking with your school counselor or college advisor to see if there are any local organizations that offer merit-based awards. Then, use resources like this list of 100+ scholarships for high school seniors (and parents) from Niche or this database of private scholarships from ScholarshipPoints.com to search for more opportunities at the national level. You can also use Google Scholar’s Advanced Search feature to look up articles about specific types of merit-based scholarships; just make sure that they were published recently–don’t rely on information that’s over ten years old!
Once you find some promising leads, it’s time get started on completing applications–but don’t forget: The better prepared your application is before sending it out into the world (or even just sharing it with potential reviewers), the better chance there is that someone will read through all those pages before deciding whether or not they want award money coming their way next year.”
In conclusion, there are many benefits to receiving a merit-based scholarship. Students who receive these types of scholarships are more likely to graduate from college and have higher earnings later in life. However, need-based scholarships can also be helpful for students who don’t qualify for merit awards or want additional assistance paying for their education expenses. High school students should apply for as many scholarships as possible regardless if they’re merit- or need-based because even small amounts can make a big difference when combined together!